A business with a turnover in excess of £10 million and demonstrating successful performance against its objectives.
A business with a turnover between £5-10m million and able to demonstrate successful performance against its objectives. Presenting judges with evidence of financial and commercial success, outstanding leadership and vision as well as a future sustainable growth plan.
A business that has been trading between 1 and 4 years, who has shown the desire to succeed, the, drive and the ambition to make it happen. Demonstrating a sound understanding of what it takes to get a business up and running, a great potential to succeed and a well-defined vision for the future.
The Oldham Business Awards are open to all business in the Borough of Oldham with 11 different categories available to enter including, Start Up, Business of the Year > £5M, and Community Engagement. The entry process is simple and it is ok to enter multiple categories so long as an individual entry form is submitted for each category. All applications are judged by an independent panel made up of an Oldham Business Awards Steering Group Member and the individual Category Sponsor.
Please direct any queries to info@oldhambusinessawards.co.uk
2025 Oldham Business Awards timeline
Applications open: Wednesday 26th February.
Applications close: TBC.
Awards Judging: held during June 2025.
Finalists Event (sponsored by Grains Bar Hotel Ltd): Thursday 3rd July 2025.
The Event – The Oldham Business Awards Gala Dinner and Award Celebration will take place on Friday 3rd October 2025.